The greeting card said, “The Season—The Reason!” It showed two images, a wreath decorated for Christmas and a crown of thorns. It made us think of Isaiah 53 which is about the Suffering Servant, Jesus Christ, who suffered and died on the cross of Calvary 700 years after Isaiah prophesied about Him. The world places a whole lot of focus on the birth of Christ and little or none on the cross! Both are important. Another Christmas card reminds us that the birth of Christ brought God and His Kingdom to mankind. The cross of Christ brought an open door for mankind to be restored relationally to God. I love the Season. But I love the Reason so much more! It is what Going Global Inc. is all about. “Their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.” Luke 24:31
Those we partner with around the world have had a difficult year. The Covid virus has put enormous strain on ministry, relationships, finances, and personal emotions. Esther Hall, the Regional Director of Africa, said that the people in Kenya were in survival mode and nearing the edge. We have heard similar stories from Cuba, Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Myanmar, Andaman Islands and Israel. But there is hope! His name is Jesus Christ.
As we celebrate His birth this month, let us not forget the reason He was born—to save mankind. Let’s help those in dire straits. Let’s pray for those suffering daily. Let’s do something for those in survival mode and on the edge! For some it will take funds. For others a personal visit. For others an encouraging call or note. Jesus told us, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses.” Acts 1:8 Let’s take the time this Christmas season to be His voice, His ears, His arms, His heart to those having a most difficult time.
We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You are making a difference in so many different parts of the world for orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas.
Grateful for His birth,
Dennis and Robin
Food For Thought
If He was not majestic looking
How could He be a king?
If He was not beautiful
How could we be attracted to Him?
If He was despised by many
How could we trust Him?
If only a few were attracted to Him
Why would we follow Him?
If others see Him as weak
How can I see Him as strong?
If others consider Him insignificant
Why would I think Him important?
If all turned their backs on Him
Why would I stay?
If they turned their backs on Him
Why should I stay?
If nobody cared about Him
Why should I care?
Could they be wrong?
Is He Messiah?
“We turned our backs on Him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care.” Isaiah 53:3
Prayer Requests
You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare, and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:
· Pray for your pastors and their families.
· Pray for an end to the worldwide pandemic.
· Pray for our family.
· Pray for wisdom as we plan next year.
· Pray for a smooth transition in our government.
Special Note
Each year we purchase blankets, shoes and knit caps for the children and widows who live on the streets of Kathmandu and remote villages. Just $5 will purchase a blanket or shoes and knit cap. You can help by going to our website and give $5 to the Christmas Fund.