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Writer's pictureBob Gustafson

August 2021 - What Motivates Us?

Hi Everyone!

We were having a nice friendly conversation when he asked, “Do you think anybody will be in heaven because of you?” Everything came to a screeching halt! That was 35 years ago, and the question still lingers. Will anybody be in heaven because of you? It was and still is part of the motivation for what we do at Going Global Inc. day in and day out.

The worldwide pandemic has changed what is normal for us, but the purpose remains the same--we equip, connect, encourage, and provide resources for orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas to show the love of Christ. We come alongside indigenous leaders to help them accomplish the vision and mission they have received from the Lord. It’s not about us but about them and salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ for those they reach with the Gospel.

Myanmar – We have just received word that Rebecca and Rosemary along with a few orphans have the virus. Peter has prepared one building on campus for quarantining those who are sick.

Andaman Islands – All of the orphan children are doing well. They are still in lock-down but none have contracted the virus. They patiently are waiting for it to end so they can return to school. Classes are being taught in the new Bible school but with great caution.

Nepal – Paul and Bhawana continue to prepare and distribute food to those in the slums and streets. A flood destroyed many homes in the villages because of mudslides. They are helping those areas with food and clothing.

Kenya – We continue to teach pastors and leaders using Zoom technology. We are also providing funds for food for those in slum areas who have nothing and nobody to help them. Options for food, government help, medicine and vaccinations are limited. All schools are closed and some churches too.

Cuba – We have been in touch with Manuel and his family by phone. They told us that people are dying from the virus and starving to death because of the lack of food. They stand in food lines from 4 AM to dark and often receive nothing. It’s difficult to send funds to help, too. Banks and Western Union are not operating.

Vietnam – The people are experiencing the third lock-down. And not much information is available, which is normal for Communist countries.

Israel – The country is not in lock-down mode, people are able to move around and businesses are open again. Praise the Lord! Pastor Mazen is preparing teaching that he will make available throughout the Arab world.

We do not plan to travel overseas this year, but we are in constant touch with those we partner with by internet, social media, Facetime, phone, zoom and other methods. Thanks for your prayers and financial support. You are helping to make a difference in the lives of many.

Grateful for you,

Dennis and Robin


Food For Thought

“Go and tell the coming generation of the care and compassion of our God. Yes, this is our God, our great God forever. He will lead us onward until the end, through all time,

beyond death, and into eternity!” Psalm 48:12-14

Tell your children and their children how much God loves them. Encourage them to trust Him to lead them all the days of their lives.


Prayer Requests

You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:

  • Pray for our government leaders.

  • Pray for your pastors and their families.

  • Pray for the virus to end.

  • Pray for our family.

  • Pray for a close friend with cancer.

  • Pray for healing for a pastor we love and honor.


Give Online

Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.


Dennis and Robin Nonnemacher PO Box 12467 Green Bay, WI 54307 1-765-589-3689

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