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Finding Hope and Healing In Kenya

Writer's picture: Bob GustafsonBob Gustafson

My heart breaks for the hurting, broken, suffering, and those who don’t yet know Jesus around the world. Through the meaningful partnership with you and our global missions partners, lives are finding hope and healing. We come alongside indigenous leaders who have ministries to orphans and children, widows and women, and pastors in remote areas. When I was 18 years old, I received a word from God that I’d be doing ministry in Africa, and it’s amazing to see how this is now taking place 27 years after that word from God.

This month, we are honored to share the incredible things happening in Kenya.

Esther Hall, Pastor Reginah Naya, and young leaders


Construction on the church with outreaches to children and single moms in Nairobi.

Our ministry heroes in Nairobi include Esther Hall and Reginah Naya who serve in the difficult slum area of Ziwani. Here a church has been planted to specifically reach poor children and a teen mom’s program. Because of your generosity, a construction project happened to make this local church ministry possible.

In Ziwani, a school has been started to mentor young men and women in faith, leadership, and life skills. More than 1,000 students have been impacted.

There are many who have been impacted by HIV/AIDS in Nairobi. The result is rejection by family, the community, and results in hopelessness. Through the Rhema ministry project, 480 devastated lives have been given hope, opportunity, and the love of Christ over the past 6 years.


Peter Wanyoni pastors Upper Room, a thriving church in Kitale. This church serves as a regional relationship network for church planting, leadership development, children’s ministry training, and evangelism.

Together with different pastors and leaders who support Going Global Inc., we have held five digital conferences with Zoom. More than 250 pastors, bishops, children’s leaders, and ministry leaders have been encouraged, equipped, trained, and loved in these conferences. We are able to cover travel expenses, technology costs and upgrades to audio, video, and the facility, and even food for these faithful women and men who serve in their local church. The feedback has been amazing, and we thank you for sharing some of your pastors who have helped teach these sessions. One thing we love is how children’s ministry has grown in the local churches that have joined us in these meetings.

Open air crusade in Bungoma, Kenya to prepare for a church plant.

Upper Room Church has held 6 crusades this year, that have been part of planting 3 new churches in Kenya, where 1,500 people have given their lives to Christ.

Children’s ministry not only includes the Sunday church service, but children’s camps in conjunction with crusades and church planting. We saw more than 2,000 children reached in these events. We know that children are very open to Jesus, and according to studies from the Barna Group 94% of Christians made the decision to follow Jesus before the age of 18. It’s vital that we prioritize these experiences for kids.

Grateful for Our Going Global Inc. Family

We can’t express enough how grateful we are that you have responded to giving to missions and investing in Going Global Inc. Because of you, the lost are being found, the hopeless finding hope, and lives are being transformed.


Bob Gustafson

Vice President, Going Global Inc.


Raising up Young Leaders

Last year we partnered with Joel Holm in a leadership development effort called Pillars. We gathered young leaders from around the world, pouring into them passion for staying close to with God, leadership, dreaming big, integrity, and skills that will serve them in their calling.

Racheal joined us in those meeting, and it’s really served her well in leading the children’s ministry at her local church. She will join us in teaching a session of Pillars in an upcoming training in Kenya in the Spring of 2023.

Johnstone was one of the young ministry leaders that joined us for Pillars. He is responsible for leading worship and helping the worship team for church plants and crusades in Kenya. He expressed how impactful Pillars was in his life, and will teach with us in the next session.


Education in Kenya

Each year Dr. Shea Kerkhoff, Director of Education for Going Global Inc. and a team of professors support Pastor Peter Wanyoni in his efforts in the educational system in his community. Through this effort, teachers in Kitale are resourced with tools and training to elevate the quality of education in the region. On their last trip, they also got involved with helping build a girls dormitory that creates safety for 80 students.


Food For Thought

Whether we realize it or not, God always has a plan for us. We need to step into it. He will lead us and guide us but will not make the decision for us. We need to step into His plan for our life. Our freedom of choice is one of the greatest gifts He gives us daily.

Heart Check – Is God leading you to someplace new? Has the Holy Spirit been tugging on your heart for a new direction in your life? Remember, you have a choice—make the right one.


Prayer Requests

You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare, and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:

We thank you, in advance, for praying for the following:

  • Pray for your pastors and their families.

  • Pray for Esther Hall, Pastor Regina, and the work in Kenya.

  • Pray for wisdom in teaching as we plan and execute zoom conferences.

  • Pray for funding for the land for the Bible school in the Andaman Islands.


Ministry Goal

“And their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.” Luke 24:31

We founded Going Global Inc. in 2007 with this ministry goal. It is still our heart today. Thank you for praying and partnering with us. Together, we can do a lot!

Dennis & Robin Nonnemacher


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Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.

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© 2020 by Bob Gustafson

PO Box 12467

Green Bay, Wisconsin 54307

Going Global Inc., a US 501 (c)(3) public charity.

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