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June 2021 – A word from Cuba takes place in Kenya.

Hi Everyone!

“The keys that the Lord has given you and Karl for children’s ministry in Cuba, He will put in your hands for many nations around the world, especially Africa’s countries. The enemy will arise, but the Spirit of the Lord will raise a flag against him. Ministry to children will be a pillar of your work.” From a children’s pastor in Cuba on April 30, 2010.

News from Kenya

A computer screen shot of the zoom conference in Kenya.

We just finished our fourth zoom conference for pastors, children’s pastors, and leaders in Kenya. They lasted two or three days and included teaching on the importance of children’s ministry, improving church leadership, and the Holy Spirit. Those in attendance were connected to thousands of children who attend or potentially could attend their churches. Karl Steinbrinck of Powerlink Ministries taught about the importance of children. God is amazing! What He desires takes place in His timing when we are obedient to His instructions.

We have been working in Africa for many years. It began while we were with Pathfinders International in Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya. For several years and various reasons, we temporarily stopped our work there. But we resumed several years ago when we established a relationship with Pastor Peter Wanyonyi from Kitale, Kenya, and when Esther Hall joined our organization as Regional Director for Africa. Once again, we are totally committed to partnering with the leaders of ministries in Africa to assist them to accomplish what God has put on their hearts.

One benefit of the current Covid pandemic crisis is that we have been forced to think outside the box of what is normal for mission ministry. We have been forced to communicate differently, traveling to other nations without physically boarding an airplane and flying there. We have figured out new ways to support, teach, and encourage our partners and friends using the new technology developed as a result of the pandemic. And believe it or not—we are enjoying every minute of it!


And while you’re praying, throw in a few prayers for our friends in Myanmar who are still suffering because of the political situation there. The orphans and staff are doing fine but still isolated from all outside activity. Food and supplies are scarce. And sending help is very difficult but not impossible.

Orphan children studying with computers on campus and not in schools.

Andaman Islands

The country is in total lockdown now as is all of mainland India. This nation has the highest death rate because of the pandemic. The orphans are safe and remain healthy. The new Bible school has not officially begun because of the lockdown, but almost all of the students have arrived and are laying the foundation through study and other work for when it officially opens. Raja and Sheeba are also doing what they can to help others during this very difficult time in the islands.

Some of the new Bible school students in the Andaman Islands.


Our partners Paul and Bhawana continue to feed, provide medicine, and clothe the poorest of all in Kathmandu and the mountain villages. They bring encouragement along with Jesus to many during their countries lockdown.

Feeding the homeless kids.


Both Nepal and Bangladesh are close to India and are experiencing the same seriousness of the pandemic. Many are sick and dying. All are locked down. Food is scarce, medicine non-existent, hospital rooms full. Those we partner with in Bangladesh are doing their best to provide help wherever possible.

Orphans from the Dhaka Home are doing well.


If you are watching the news, you know what is happening in Israel. The news we hear is that most live in great fear for their families. They finally came out of total lockdown only to move into war. Please pray for all the people of Israel, especially those we serve in the West Bank.

Looking at the Old City from the Mount Of Olives.


Nothing has changed from the last update—no food, no medicine, no hospital to go to when sick. The Cubans are very discouraged at this time and need our prayers.

Praying for pastors.


We continue to send funds where possible to help those we serve. Even that is difficult, at times, because of political situations. We appreciate your support and prayers.

Grateful for you,

Dennis and Robin


Food For Thought

“Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.” Psalm 55:22 Passion Translation

Go to Jesus! Matthew recorded that Jesus said this, “Come to Me all who are weary, and I will give you rest.” Go to Him and give Him your cares and anxieties. He will pour out measureless grace to strengthen you! Can it get any better?


Prayer Requests

You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:

  • Pray for peace in Israel

  • Pray for your pastors

  • Pray for our government leaders

  • Pray for the pandemic to end

  • Pray for our family

  • Pray for pastors and leaders in Kenya


Give Online

Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.


Dennis and Robin Nonnemacher PO Box 12467 Green Bay, WI 54307 1-765-589-3689

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