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September 2021 - Honoring Peter Za Hlun Thang

“When God tells you to do something and you know it is God, don’t look at other people’s face.”

Peter Za Hlun Thang

Hi Everyone!

Some called him Reverend, some Doctor, we called him Friend. So does God! When others visited Love Children Home in Myanmar with the same name as Peter, we referred to him as 1st Peter and the rest were 2nd and 3rd Peter.

He was a good son, a caring brother, a loving husband, and a wonderful father. He was a dedicated leader, out-of-the-box innovator, a good teacher and compassionate pastor to many. He was a man of integrity, showed abundant mercy, grace and forgiveness. He was an excellent role model who loved and helped others even if they were, at times, difficult to love. He was a politician who influenced his village and nation with his values. Peter loved sports, too. He was good at soccer, tennis, and knew how to hit a golf ball far. He especially loved those whom Jesus loved—orphans and widows. Most of all, and before all the above, he was a child of God, a Christ-follower who loved God the Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit with all his heart, soul, strength and mind.

We met in 1996 when he and Rebecca had 12 orphan children in a bamboo hut. His grandfather, known as Hallelujah, and grandmother lived with them. His vision was easy to understand and connect with. His desire was to help hundreds of orphans have a better life and know Jesus as Lord and Savior. He had a vision for a Bible school and churches planted throughout Myanmar. He felt that those who graduated from the Bible school could return to their villages to plant a church, because they knew the dialect of their own village. He had no money, a small piece of land, and great faith that God would provide. He and Rebecca sold their wedding rings to purchase food for the children. We immediately made a lifetime connection with them that surely will spill over into eternity. We have seen 12 orphans multiply into hundreds; one orphanage expanded into 12. We’ve witnessed the launching of Disciple Bible School and many churches planted. And we have had the honor of introducing hundreds of people to Peter’s heart and ministry.

Imagine the scene in heaven when Peter arrived at midnight on August 21, 2021. When he took his last breath on earth, his next was in heaven right in front of Jesus. No doubt Jesus said, “Welcome home, Peter. Well done, good and faithful servant!” Then Hallelujah his grandfather, grandmother and his son David greeted him with open arms. Other friends and saints gathered around to welcome him home as well. Oh, by the way, when Peter the apostle, his namesake, introduced himself, Peter Za Hlun Thang became 2nd Peter for the first time.

Peter, Rosemary, Rebecca, and Elizabeth

Will you please join us in praying for Rebecca, Elizabeth, Rosemary, and Joseph. They have a big job ahead of them overseeing the orphanages and Bible school. Pray for Peter’s father, mother, sisters, and brother, too.

His death has left a void in the family that will be difficult to fill. And last but not least, please pray for the orphan children who also have lost their Papa.

Many thanks to those who have supported Peter and Rebecca’s ministry over the years. You have made a big difference in that nation. If you would like to help them financially, you can send funds to Going Global Inc. Your entire donation will be sent to them.

We are very grateful for our friendship with Peter, his family and ministry for the last 26 years.

We enjoyed every visit with them in Myanmar and in the USA from time to time. Looking forward to many more and eternity in heaven with him one day.

Dennis and Robin

Peter and Robin years ago.

The smile was always present!

Food For Thought

“You’ve stored my many tears in Your bottle—not one will be lost. For they are all recorded in Your book of remembrance.” Psalm 56:8

Legend has it that wives and mothers of Israeli men who went off to war kept a small bottle of their tears shed while the men were gone. David said that God does the same for us when we go through difficult events to show how much He loves us.


Prayer Requests

You can be an important part of our ministry by praying for us. Prayer is a weapon of warfare and we covet your prayers. If you would like us to pray for you, e-mail your prayer requests to us. Please pray for the following:

  • Pray for Peter’s entire family for comfort during this difficult time.

  • Pray for the orphans too.

  • Pray for wisdom for Rebecca on how to manage their ministry.

  • Pray for peace in the nation of Myanmar.

  • Pray for healing of those with Covid in the orphanages.


Give Online

Help reach orphans, widows, and pastors in remote areas of the world.


Dennis and Robin Nonnemacher PO Box 12467 Green Bay, WI 54307 1-765-589-3689

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